
Monday, September 21, 2009

Confessions of a Country Girl part 6

NOTE: I've added a "UPCOMING EVENTS" spot in my sidebar so that you all can see what's coming up in the future here at Confessions of a Country Girl.

I'm in a work related funk lately. Without going into to many details, I just feel that I right now I'm sort of being singled out and I'm not particularly happy about it. It's not that I don't like my job...I do. It's not a hard job (though there are those who like to make it harder than it has to be) and quite frankly it's basically "busy" work.  All of these unhappy feelings are making it hard for me to get out of bed and actually go to work.  I hate feeling like this.

Well, let's just say that today I as well as a few other of our team members were sent home early because we were pretty much done with all of our work for the day.  We did all the "extra projects" that they had for us yesterday when we got done early with our work load, so there was really nothing left for us to do.  I realize that it's up to my manager to decide that sort of stuff but sending me home early is surely NOT helping me get myself out of debt any sooner either.



A Fist Full of Dandelions said...

I can totally relate. I have a person on my team that likes to micromanage me and tell me how to do my job. It has really put me in a funk. I'd rather bang my head on my desk and give myself a mild concussion than attend a meeting with her.

Queenie Jeannie said...

I've so "been there, done that" and it does suck. I hope your situation gets better really soon!!!

Heatherlyn said...

It's the two-edged sword: on the one hand it is better to have a crummy job than no job at all, on the other hand it is really hard to get out of the funk that a crummy job inspires. I hope the situation works itself out for you!

wildcatsthree said...

Just stopping by from SITS to say hi - hope your Monday is going well

One with many names said...

Debt stinks and it definitely is no fun when work is on the rocks. I'm having a blah kind of Monday so far. I'm already ready for it to be over!

Take care!

Lisa Anne said...

been there. I even felt like our CFO was trying to push me out of the company so she could get more hours and make more money. She was takign credit for my work and telling the CEO I was over paid. In the end it bit her in the butt. Karma's a biat**

Stay positive!

Mary K Brennan said...

I once had a job that was based on sales from the previous day. I would often get a call that asked me not to come in when I was getting dressed. How crazy is that.
I understand all too well about debt. I think that job helped me create more.

Lani said...

Stopping by from SITS:)
That sounds pretty frustrating... I haven't had to deal with all that jazz for a couple years now since my kids were born- but it's one thing I sure don't miss!

Crazee Juls said...

Hey! Thanks for stopping by my blog, and please do come back any ol' time :)

Work funk is no fun. Hoping that things turn around in that department soon! Have a great week.