
Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Happy Naked Hugh Jackman Day!

Today is THE DAY! X-Men Origins: Wolverine is out on DVD today! So to pay homage to Wolverine....I give you a little Hugh Jackman!

I can HARDLY WAIT to watch the bonus features for this movie! Oh and there will be a giveaway on SUNDAY too!


Karen Peterson said...

I do love me some Hugh Jackman! Especially as Wolverine.

But I have to say, for me, the surprise in this movie was Ryan Reynolds!

Lisa Anne said...

I thought that was a great movie. OMG OMG OMG I just remember Greys Anatomy comes out on DVD today too. I think the BF is buying both today!! I'm so excited.

Visting from SITS

Heatherlyn said...

We bought the DVX copy a month or so ago. It really was a decent movie!

Millennium Housewife said...

He looks badly in need of a manicure...Over from SITS to say hi!

Gabrielle Krake said...

I just watched Australia again, there is not much you can dislike about him! Happy SITS Tuesday!

Household6 said...

OOOO I forgot about this movie.. I'm excited!