
Sunday, April 17, 2011

More Knitting Projects!

My brother and his wife are in the process of buying their first home.  According to Facebook, cause apparently that is where one goes to get up to date information, they are going to the bank, meeting the seller and doing paperwork on Wednesday!  Holy Buckets!

I've been looking all over the Internet for things that I can knit them and I have found a TON of things!  I can hardly wait to get started on these projects!  So I guess I'll be doing less reading and more knitting into the near future!

Wish me luck!  I'm going to need it to stay focused on the prize.

1 comment:

Grand Pooba said...

Girl, I really need to get your updated blogger address on my blog roll! I still have your old one so it never shows that you've updated your blog!!!

I'm a loser!

PS I'm having a $50 Target GC up for grabs over at my blog, come and enter the contest, it's for a good cause!!