Wednesday, December 31, 2008
In honor of the 2009 PBR season starting on January 2nd
An Austin Meier action shot
Brian Canter's butt - I could not help myself
Robson Palermo action shot
Mike Lee action shot
This would be Ashley's favorite rider Matt Bohon hung up on the side of his bull
This is my mom's favorite rider Wiley Petersen in the short round of the Omaha Classic
My 'Girl" Vacation!!
The original plan was to fly out there. Now I'm pretty sure the plan has changed and we are going to be taking the Amtrack out there. It'll be almost a 2 day train ride plus an 8 hour bus ride but I think it will be worth it in the end. It’s a three day event and I’ll finally be old enough to rent a rental vehicle from the PBR’s sponor Enterprise Rent A Car. Ok, so I just found out as I was writing this that you only have to be 21 to rent from Enterprise but who cares at this point. I’m soooooo excited that I’ve already ordered Idaho travel information and a road map too. Ashley’s even been looking for things that she wants to do and sent me this yesterday afternoon. So I guess if we’re going to go and do this trip we’re going BIG!
I mean who wouldn’t want to go all that way to look at that or even some of this:

The introduction pyro….I come from a long line of pyro “maniacs.”
Don’t worry between the both of us there will be PLENTY of photo’s to go around to share with all the blogging peeps out there. Plus it’s going to be one heck of a “Dear Diary” too! Oh, I guess I should tell you all what “Dear Diary” is….everytime we go to an event or on a trip we write about what goes on before, during and after the whole trip….pretty basic readers digest version of what it is but hey, it works right?!
Tuesday, December 30, 2008
I'll be knitting (complete with candy dish/urn photo).....

Monday, December 29, 2008
A borrowed blogging tip and a question....
"Okay, so we thought it would be fun to run through some crucial blogging tips this week and then we'll resume our featured bloggers on January 2nd.
The first one is near and dear to our hearts. It's leaving a return email. It's easier than you think and takes commenting back to a whole new level.
The first thing you need to do is open an email account just for your blog. It's free to do through Yahoo, Gmail, or Hotmail. Easy Peasy. Why open an email account just for your blog? Well, it's kind of nice to keep it separate from your personal email account. This is your blog and if people are reading it, you need to treat it a little like a business. It's not a "have to", it's just a suggestion.
Now, go into your profile page and choose "edit your profile". Check the box that says "show my email address". Then, on that same page under Identity, type in your email where it says "Email address".
What happens is when you leave someone a comment and blogger puts your comment into THEIR email account, all they have to do is hit reply and they can send a response into YOUR email account. Sometimes it's nice to reply to someone's comment specifically instead of going to their blog and leaving them a random comment to a question they might have asked on your blog. Clear as mud?
Having a bloggy email address is nice if someone wants to ask you a specific question and this is why we say that a separate email address is nice. It ups the privacy factor just a little more. Your personal email address might contain your last name and that's risky to put out for everyone to see."
My question to you out there in bloggy land is: What are your thoughts on people responding back to your comments via e-mail? I know that I have my bloggy e-mail address set up so that you can respond to my comments via e-mail. I also like to respond to the comments on my blog via e-mail also (to those that I can anyway.)
And then there was the candy dish....
The moral of the story: Don't let tired overnight workers "play" with "inappropriate" holiday merchandise, if you don't want everyone to know about it.
Sunday, December 28, 2008
Some more "window" shopping ~ Western Style

Saturday, December 27, 2008
I'm at war with my alarm clock!
1. Set of tires for my car
2. A couple hundred dollars taken off of what I owe "The Bank of Dad."
3. A new Wii's got 10 different sports on it and the only one I'm really any good at is the Archery.
4. A $25 Itunes card
5. Some Burt's Bee's lip balm
6. The Jim Gaffigan special on DVD
7. A sled....we've got a crap ton of snow (well we did was warmish here yesterday and some melting took place.)
8. A new alarm clock....
Which brings me to being at war with my alarm clock. The clock that I got was one of those that you plug in and it sets itself by the satellites. It worked fine for 2 days but last night when it went off at the time for me to get out of bed and start getting ready for work it went bananna's on me. I've got no numbers, none of the buttons appear to work and the radio won't shut off unless I unplug it. I'm hoping that putting a new battery in the clock will help if not I'm going to have to get in touch with Santa about replacing it.
In response to the question of wether or not the flat tummies come with the jeans in my "window" shopping post......I really wish it did....I would LOVE to have a flat tummy!
Friday, December 26, 2008
So I was doing some "window" shopping

Thursday, December 25, 2008
Ok so celebrities aren't ALL bad
MIAMI (AP)—When Dwyane Wade heard the plight of a South Florida woman whose nephew accidentally burned down her home—and ruined all the family’s possessions—the Miami Heat star knew he had to do something.
So he helped the family move into a new home, just in time for Christmas.
Wade presented Dawn Smith with the ultimate Christmas gift on Wednesday— the keys to a her new house, along with some furnishings, clothing and gifts to make sure her family has a joyous holiday, something that didn’t seem likely just a few weeks ago.
His Wade’s World foundation will make some payments on the home, while Smith and her family get back on their feet.
“That’s what I try to teach my kids,” said Wade, whose foundation has hosted several charity events this holiday season, mostly for needy children. “It’s not about what you’re going to receive—it’s what you can give to others from what you’ve received.”
Smith couldn’t hold back happy sobs when she saw the home for the first time.
“A big-time relief,” Smith said, clearly overcome by emotion. “Thank you so much. Thank you so much. Oh, God, thank you so much.”
The NBA’s leading scorer this season had a simple message: “Hopefully, you’ll like it.”
Wade’s other holiday events this year included a party for 350 children on Monday, and hosting 100 kids at Tuesday night’s Heat game against the Golden State Warriors. He also donated $10,000 to each of three children’s organizations, but said he was particularly touched by being able to assist the Smith family.
“We can help this family have a new beginning,” Wade said.
Wednesday, December 24, 2008
Tax Bill
Dear Internal Revenue Service:
Enclosed you will find my 2005 tax return showing that I owe $3,407.00 in taxes. Please note the attached article from the USA Today newspaper, dated 12 November, wherein you will see the Pentagon (Department of Defense) is paying $171.50 per hammer and NASA has paid $600.00 per toilet seat.
I am enclosing four (4) toilet seats (valued @ $2,400) and six (6) hammers valued @ $1,029), which I secured at Home Depot, bringing my total remittance to $3,429.00.
Please apply the overpayment of $22.00 to the "Presidential Election Fund," as noted on my return. You can do this inexpensively by sending them one (1) 1.5 " Phillips Head screw (see aforementioned article from USA Today newspaper detailing how H.U.D. pays $22.00 each for 1.5" Phillips Head Screws). One screw is enclosed for your convenience.
It has been a pleasure to pay my tax bill this year, and I look forward to paying it again next year.
A Satisfied Taxpayer
Tuesday, December 23, 2008
SNOW on Christmas Eve is a BAD idea!
Now I'm off that soap box....Let's talk about something fun.....I'm starting to eat solid food again (I had my wisdom teeth pulled last Wednesday for any new readers out there)....It bothered me the first couple times I tried it but it's getting easier each time. I can hardly wait to try out some of the food we've got prepared for our family Christmas tomorrow night!
Christmas is here at our house this year....Last year it was at my brother's place but since they moved into a smaller place it's back at our place again. So today is pretty much going to be spent cleaning and wrapping presents and somewhere in there I've got to get some sleep too.
I just realized that it's been almost a month since we put Shawna down. I've also realized that I can actually put Laci's food dish back down on the floor (she's spoiled and I had it up on a little table so she could lie on my bed and eat out of her bowl at the same time.) We originally put her bowl up to keep Shawna out of it....bad things happened when Shawna got in to Laci's food bowl.
A random joke ~ A little "racy"
A: Because she kept sitting on pinochious face saying "Lie to me, lie to me!"
Monday, December 22, 2008
Warm and Comfy Chicken Pot Pie
3 cups cooked, diced chicken
10 oz. frozen mixed veggies
1 can cream of celery soup
1 cup chicken broth
1/4 tsp pepper
1 cup Bisquick
3/4 cup milk
1 cup melted butter
Pour cooked, diced chicken in a 13X9" pan sprayed with oil. Pour frozen veggies over chicken. Blend together in a bowl, celery soup, chicken broth and pepper until smooth and pour over chicken and veggies. In another bowl stir together Bisquick, milk and melted butter. When blended smooth, pour over the ingredients in the pan. Bake 45-50 minutes at 400 degrees. Cool 10 minutes before serving.
Sunday, December 21, 2008
Fabulous 4-Bean Hot Dish
8 oz. bacon, cut up
1/2 cup chopped onion
1 - 16 oz. can pork and beans
1 - 16 oz. can green beans, drained
1 - 15 1/2 oz. can butter beans, drained
1 - 15 1/2 oz. can kidney beans
1/2 cup ketchup
1/4 - 1/2 cup brown sugar
1 tsp. prepared mustard
1/2 tsp. salt
Brown bacon and onion together; add to crock-pot. Stir in remaining ingredients. Cover and cook on low for 6 hours.
Saturday, December 20, 2008
Impossibly Easy Cheesburger Pie
1 Large onion, Chopped
1/2 tsp salt
1 cup shredded Cheddar cheese
1/2 cup Bisquick
1 cup milk
2 eggs
Preheat your oven to 400 degrees. Spray the bottom of your baking pan. Brown your ground beef and add onion; drain. Stir in salt. Spread mixture into your baking pan and sprinkle with cheese. In a mixing bowl, mix together the remaining ingredients, pour into pan. Bake for 25 minutes.
Serves: 6
Friday, December 19, 2008
Ask and you shall receive, part 1....

JB Mauney...Even though he's young enough to be my younger brother.
2. If you could travel anywhere in the world, where? from Bekah
Italy or Greece, hands down.
3. How is the situation with your friend at work? I hope its getting better? from Bekah
The situation with my friend at work basically boiled down to this....I don't tell them anything really personal anymore and pretty much everything is on a need to know basis....most of which they don't need to know. I guess going with that frame of mind things are getting better, but they still aren't great.
4. What do you want for christmas? from Bekah
To be able to eat solid food again, to have all my debt paid off (serious wishful thinking there), a couple of games for my Wii (I'm partical to the Cabela's hunting games...I'm not that good of a gamer yet and I'm pretty ok at those games), one of these (again, serious wishful thinking):
5. Are you in college? from keeperoftheskieswife
Not at this time. I did do a semester course a couple of years ago but the instructor and I didn't see eye to eye on some things and it ended up with me not passing. I would like to go back in the future but that costs money which I don't have a lot of right now...Danged economy!
6. Where do you see yourself in 5 years? from keeperoftheskieswife
In 5 years I'm hoping to finally be out on my own (dang car will be paid off by then), doing my own thing in my own place. That's my biggest goal right now is to get out on my own.
7. Are you seeing anyone? from keeperoftheskieswife
Nope, wish I was but I'm not.
So keep those questions coming....I'm having a lot of fun letting my blog readers in on all that is "Jamie". Have a great weekend everyone! We're in the midst of a snowstorm yet again so it's going to be a cold and snowy weekend here in WI!
Friday Blessings
Thursday, December 18, 2008
Ask me "almost" anything....
Here are the rules (yes, there are rules):
1. No "inappropriate" questions. I will refuse to answer a question if I feel it's inappropriate.
2. You can ask more than one question....the more the merrier.
3. Pretty much keep it clean...I'm pretty flexible but I'm going to be a stickler about this rule and rule number 1.
Hi my name is....

An Award just for me!

Here I was sitting at the computer eating my chocolate snack pack pudding checking my blog and I found this comment in response to my "For all the Twilighters out there...." post from Heather over at This is the day... waiting to be published:
"What a coincidence...I left some Twilight love on my blog for you!"
and there was the above beauty just for me and few other of Heather's friends. Thanks Heather!
For all the Twilighters out there....
Here are some of my favorites (for some reason I am unable to upload the actual photo, so below are the links, with a little teaser....I don't want to give too much away!): (Edward is a BAD BAD boy!) (The Lion and the Lamb) (What do you live for?) (Don't Make Me...) (Be Safe..) (Not Real?) (Shiny Volvo) (feathers) (Young, dead and Sparkly) (Bella)
That's just a few...There are like 10,000+ different designs to choose from.
Bloggy Makeover....
Wednesday, December 17, 2008
I've survived!
The X-Men Origins: Wolverine Trailer
Tuesday, December 16, 2008
Monday, December 15, 2008
Need some suggestions
My friend Ashley's favorite bullrider won a pretty cool award

There’s an old saying that if you give you shall receive, and recently Coleman attended a banquet put together by the Make-a-Wish Foundation of Oregon where, much to his surprise, Coleman was the guest of honor.
“That was cool,” said Coleman, who shared the evening with his wife along with his parents Steve and Cathy, and his sister Bridgette Wynn. “There (were) seven or eight of us that went into the city [Portland] that night for a dinner and fundraiser they had, and the main award that night was the Katie Star Award. It was really, really cool to win that.”
“When I won that award it’s always going to be one of the most prestigious awards I’ve ever won.”
Over the past four years, the Ross Coleman Invitational, which has been recognized as the PBR Sanctioned Event of the Year, has raised more than $127,000 for the Make-a-Wish Foundation of Oregon.
Katie’s wish was to meet the Seattle Mariners and bring her little league team with her. Her story struck an emotional chord and touched the hearts of millions—in part because of ESPN’s “SportsCenter: My Wish” series.
In her memory, the Foundation created Katie’s Star Award to recognize an individual that touches many lives and makes a lasting impact on the Make-a-Wish organization.
“It’s a small world,” he said.
In the years since, the event has served as a major fundraiser for Make-a-Wish, and when Peterkin won his battle with cancer, the following year he was steering a big Clydesdale-led wagon filled with Make-a-Wish kids in the back.
Those who may not have had money to donate instead donated their time and effort by helping Coleman hang sponsor panels, put up hay for the bulls, work the grounds, set up the V.I.P. area and other jobs that required manual labor.
—by Keith Ryan Cartwright
Saturday, December 13, 2008
Friday, December 12, 2008
My dog wears clothes and a few other blessings...
Because the groomer had to shave Laci down....It's actually a pretty long story, but the reader's digest version is that Laci wouldn't let me brush her because the bristles on the brush we bought when we adopted her were to rough on her skin so she got some mats in her "Cocker" cut that the groomer was unable to get out.....She has to have a little coat now when she goes outside so she doesn't get cold.